I'd jump from my tree and dance.
Little Bones
Moths have similar animal symbolism as butterflies, but have a few distinguishing characteristics that set it far apart from its winged relative.
Namely, the moth is a nocturnal creature, whereas the butterfly is diurnal.
It's important to note the symbolism of nocturnal creatures because night-time proclivities have specific philosophical meanings.
Nocturnal Animal Symbolism
- Dreams
- Shadows
- Otherworldliness
- Secret knowledge
- Psychic awareness
As humans, we may translate this as symbolic of living our lives by intuitive feeling rather than physical sensory perception.
Philosophically speaking, night creatures do not tumble in the dark, and neither do humans. We use our dreams, our awareness, and our deeper, inner knowing to navigate through the darkest hours of our lives.
Faith is another tool we use to move through shadowy times of uncertainty, and the moth also shares this aspect. The moth never questions provision. She has complete faith that all of her needs will be meet each night.
A Quick-List of Symbolic Moth Meanings
- Vulnerability
- Determination
- Concealment
- Attraction
- Subtlety
- Intuition
- Faith
It is still unproven as to why the moth is driven to light - but the best hypothesis is that the moth navigates by lunar light. In the absence of moonlight, the moth moves to the next best thing: man-made light.
Even at the risk of loosing its life, the moth is ever-vigilant in following its path of light. This may also serve as a moral to us to keep our own vigilance, but not fall victim of blind faith.
Here we see a fragile vulnerability in the moth. The moon is her mother, and she will follow her course at all cost. This makes her open to distraction, vulnerable to harm. Here we may find another message to adjust our course as our path indicates rather than drive forward without heeding important signs along the way.
As a creature of the night, and by her navigational devices, we see the moth is highly influenced by the power of the moon. This aspect ties in with animal symbolism of intuition, and psychic awareness.
Indeed, those with the moth totem will find this creature a magnificent assistant in developing higher awareness, and psychic enhancement.
However, with higher perception we sometimes overstep into the realm of confusion. It is important to seat ourselves in grounding foundations when we step in-tune with the lunar aspects of the moth. In other words, fly high with the moth - but always have a clear runway for happy, safe landings.
The moth continues to be under the influence in matters of love. She emits pheromones that are powerfully strong, attracting her male counterpart through the dark nights. These scented trails can be followed for remarkable distances.
I am the dark side of the moon.
I've never been so sad and sick in my entire life and though I know
I am the only one who can determine my own fate,
I strongly feel that in this stage of my life,
I need to go through this depression and let myself grieve.
With that being said, I am fully embracing this war.
Not something many people do, but I have been on the other side of the moon.
I know my potential. I know my worth. I know I will eventually be okay
but for right now I am not.
Never should have called but my heads to the wall and I'm lonely.
I don't want everything that comes with "love" like regret, missing, heartbreak, embarrassment, commitment, sex.. Sex has become very overrated to me.. I'm not ready nor do I want to be ready and I think that's okay. I think I am actually losing faith in people. I meet someone and I can see right through them, literally, I can see the blank wall behind them. They sit there and talk to me and I can't hear a word. I get up and leave wondering what just happened. I walk away trying to remember what they said or what they even looked like.
I don't do too much talking these days. My head hurts.
I don't do too much talking these days. My head hurts.
I take these photos
to document my life for my future children. I take these photos because I only have two of my mother. Because she didn't have many photos of her own mother. I look back on those of my mother and admire how gorgeous and sad she looked. How tragic she looked and I can't help to think of what she was thinking when this person behind the camera took her picture. I want my children to see my face, to see my skin, and my tattoos, all of the cities and states and countries I've lived in, and why I left each one.
Hello, hello, can you hear me??
I feel like I'm drowning. I can't breathe. I have these day dreams, except they are nightmares. These flashes of memories of you and me, but instead of me, its her. Replacing you in my bed is easy, replacing the way you looked at me is one of the hardest thing I've ever desperately tried to do.
I have you under my skin. I have you in my mind, and in my chest, and it hurts. I feel the pain all over my body.
I have you under my skin. I have you in my mind, and in my chest, and it hurts. I feel the pain all over my body.
I feel hopeless
like nothing can save me and when it's over and it's gone I almost wish I can get all that bad stuff back, so that I can have the good.
I'm fine, I'm hella positive for real, I'm all good..
No, I'm fine! Its kinda complicated that's for sure, but you can see it in my eyes, you can read it on my lips. I'm trying to get a hold on this, and I really mean it this time, and you know its such a trip. Don't get me started, I'm trying to get a hold on this.
Dear Ashton,
You've been an amazing friend to me all of these years, you're a kind, loving daughter, a loyal sister, a sincere neighbor, and you inspire me to me an incredible wife one day. Living with you and your husband has been a more loving and caring environment than I've ever had in my entire life. You are an accepting and supportive, honest and brave, loving and nurturing woman. I love you and Bruno.
Thank you for everything and I look forward to many more years of this friendship.

Moving on to bigger and better things!
I've met so many nice and intriguing people here in LA. It's not a back breaking hustle here, it's not a rat race, it's warm and relaxing and I am myself here :)
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