Just a little reflection of the past year.

2012 is over, Thank God! I am another year older, another year wiser. I made so many mistakes last year as everyone did, I'm sure. I am on a mission to better myself and improve on things I need to work on within myself. This New Years I realized (I always knew it, but it hit me hard this New Years) that family is really everything. I'm fortunate enough to know now what I didn't know then. The importance of family.

The past year I have been lucky enough to travel and love and laugh. I appreciate the people and person who let all of that become a possibility for me and I will never forget it.

Everything happens for a reason, people say things and do things because they are confused or hurt or even scared sometimes. Try to remember that and remember to be nice every chance you get.

I'm ready for a new year, a new city, a new love and a new kind of happiness I never knew before!